Exciting news on the working front in the Cochran home. Shawn has been promoted to full time and switched departments. He is now in the maintenance department instead of the food court. This means he won't come home smelling like old hot dogs and grease, yay! Now I can give him a hug when he comes home without saying "you smell like food court go shower and then I'll hug you." Not that I don't love my husband, I do, I just hate the smell of the food court. So now he gets to work more hours, work at his own pace, take his breaks when he wants, better schedule, and more money. Although this also means he has to open, cleaning the store before we open at
5 AM. LAME! I also applied for a new position, in the photo lab....and got it! I applied a few months ago and didn't get the position, but the manager had me do some cross training so I could help when they were busy. So I have been working over there a couple days a week for a month or so. When the new position came up the manager told me to apply and out of 4 applicants I got it! So now I will be in the photo lab from now on. I have a better manager, better hours, and better work. Plus our benefits will go up with Shawn working full time. So it's a win win all around for both of us.