Shawn asked me weeks ago to change our blog background bc he was "bored with it" so here's a quick change for Halloween/his birthday. That's right today is Shawn's birthday, Happy Birthday love! Being a Halloween baby Shawn loves Halloween. When I got out our decorations this year I realized our collection was quite dismal. It may have worked in our apartment, but our house looked pathetic. So I started celebrating a little early and got going on more decorations. It's not much but its a start, and I'm sure it will keep growing over the years.
Shawn got his very own first ever grill for his birthday, and a fire pit will follow (hopefully the awesome Utah Utes one from Costco!) Last night we had some friends over for dinner, cake and the Utah game, go Utes! This morning I got up and cleaned up from last night and made Shawn a special Halloween/birthday breakfast, then we started our Harry Potter marathon in preparation for HP7 in a few weeks! I'll be making Shawn a delicious steak dinner tonight, decorating our Halloween ginger bread house and his parents are taking us out tomorrow. I hope I've made your birthday a fun month Shawn! I told Shawn we were old today and he said "we're not old till we have kids" I guess we won't be old for a while :) Love you Shawn!
PS: Also a Happy Birthday to my brother JD today, and my dad aka Elder Lyon yesterday!
We had our friends Heather & Brad over tonight to carve pumpkins! It was fun to catch up, and we enjoyed doughnuts and hot chocolate after. More Halloween posts to come, it is Shawn's birthday after all :) Maybe I'll even finally post pics of our house decorated and everything!